Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Conciliatory Text

A "conciliatory text." That's what Britain's U.N. Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry appears to think will be enough to save Darfur.

From the AP:
UNITED NATIONS - Britain and France dropped a threat of sanctions against Sudan in a proposed U.N. Security Council resolution that would authorize an expanded peacekeeping force in Darfur, according to a revised draft circulated Tuesday ...

... "We've been listening, we've had discussions ... with the African members of the council," Parry told reporters. "We changed the text quite considerably. The tonality has changed, certain provisions have been altered considerably, there's less threatening language in there. It's more of a conciliatory text."

How the United Nations expects to be seen as a legitimate, effective organization when all it can muster to combat a brutal, large-scale and ongoing genocide is a "conciliatory text," we're all in trouble.

I realize these Security Council deliberations can be complex, but sheesh; people are dying here.


Anonymous said...

I agree. The lack of urgency and blatant disrespect for human life makes you question their mission.

Mark_Jablonski said...

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